Sunday, November 20, 2011


Lechetin is a dessert combination of leche flan and gelatin. This is my version of the dessert.

2 cups evaporated milk
3 cups water
3-4 eggs
1 pack Mr. Gulaman white or any gelatin powder
white sugar (a cup or more)
dash of vanilla

Caramel syrup:
white sugar


Beat eggs and milk. Add sugar, water and gelatin powder. Mixed until smooth. Bring to a boil over medium heat. Pour into desired molds. Let set and cool on the refrigerator.

For caramel syrup:

Heat over low fire sugar and water until brown. Pour on top of the unmolded lechetin.

Nothing beats leche flan but in times of rising prices and when one is on a tight budget this is one of the cheap alternative dessert.

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