Sunday, November 27, 2011

Haleyang Ube

This is one of my all time favorite dessert although we traditionaly cook this at home during fiesta. The same way it is a staple in Caviteñean household fiesta handaan especially during yester years.

1 1/2 kilo of purple yum
1 can evaporated milk
1 can condensed milk
1/2 kilo sugar or more depending to taste
grated cheese
1 egg

Cook unpeeled purple yam in boiling water until tender. Peel then grate or mash finely. Place mashed yam in a large wok. Pour in evaporated and condensed milk. Add the sugar. Simmer gently over low heat, stirring continuously with a wooden spoon, for 30 minutes. Make sure the bottom does not scorch. Just when it is beginning to get thick add whole egg, grated cheese and vanilla. Spoon into clean containers brush with butter and cool. Do not cover containers while yam is still hot as this can spoil it. Serve warm or cold as dessert.

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