About Lutong Cavite

In early December 2009, driven by curiosity about the culinary history of Cavite, I embarked on an online search for information about Caviteño cuisines. To my dismay, I discovered a lack of photographs, recipes, and substantial research material. It appeared that there was minimal attention given to the rich food culture of Cavite City.

Determined to fill this void and recognizing the profound significance of food in preserving our cultural heritage, I conceived an ambitious plan. Inspired by the potential of blogging as a popular medium at the time, I envisioned creating an online platform dedicated to raising awareness about the delectable cuisines of Cavite, starting first with Cavite City. Thus, in January 2010, I launched this blog with the primary objective of preserving the culinary traditions and heritage of Cavite's foods, aiming to leave behind a tangible legacy for the future generations of Caviteños.

However, despite my initial enthusiasm and dedication to sharing family recipes of Caviteñean cuisines, I encountered challenges in sourcing additional information. Online response was minimal, and even the resources at the Cavite City Library proved unhelpful, exacerbating my frustration. Reluctant to conduct interviews as its not my cup of tea, I opted to instead broaden the blog's scope by featuring other family recipes, restaurant reviews, food excursions, culinary discoveries, and my own successful cooking and baking experiments sourced from various outlets.

As time went on and the frequency of content postings decreased, I had the privilege of crossing paths with Mr. Ige Ramos. His fervent dedication to culinary exploration ignited a renewed sense of purpose within me, aligning with my vision of elevating Cavite dishes to prominence within the local culinary landscape. Subsequently, I took steps to expand the blog's presence on social media channels, actively promoting both the distinct cuisines of Cavite and the cultural richness of the city. Moreover, I began integrating Chabacano Caviteño - the living heritage language of our city and more heritage content across all platforms, recognizing their interconnectedness. 

In 2022, following more than a decade of dedicated blogging,  here are the  refined objectives and renewed aspirations of this blog and its associated social media channels:
💓 Preservation of Caviteñean heritage cuisines
💓 Saving Chabacano Caviteño
💓Online repository of articles and photographs featuring history and culture of Ciudad de Cavite 
💓 Promotion of small and medium city food businesses 
💓 Creating a community of city food sellers, food makers and food enthusiasts as well as organizing heritage food events in the future (where the focus is solely on the food and the city people, not the politicians)

LUTONG CAVITE blog is my way of giving back to the city, especially its young generations. It is also a tribute to my Caviteñean roots and my ancestors, who were part of the early settlers of the city during its Cavite Puerto days.

The blog's primary focus remains Cavite City, a place I love and where I grew up. While I aspire to broaden its scope to cover the entire province of Cavite eventually, the timing and extent of this endeavor remain contingent on the unfolding circumstances. There's still much to be done for our city, and I remain hopeful that someday significant progress can be hopefully be achieved. In the meantime, I trust that you'll find enjoyment in perusing my passion project, which I've crafted with love and dedication for years. May it serve as a valuable resource and useful guide, much like I find joy in cooking, savoring, writing, and sharing it with you.

NOTE:  All the recipes accompanied by photographs showcased on this blog are prepared, cooked and captured by myself, unless explicitly mentioned otherwise. While some recipes draw inspiration from open source recipes or Filipino cooking traditions, they have been adapted to suit my personal cooking preferences, ingredient availability, and other culinary resources.

If you have recipes of authentic Caviteñean cuisines especially food ternos feel free to e-mail, post and share on Facebook page. This way, we can collectively preserve the rich history and culture of CAVITE CITY's culinary traditions.

Ta platica yo puro Chabacano y junto esti na advocacia de esti blog. Si ta le y intindi tu esti que buenu. Si ya anda tu aqui para busca y cusi el mga comida mas buenu. Viva el Comida Caviteño !   

If you're interested in promoting or engaging with our content, we invite you to join our FB page which is the most active social media channel and also join the following Facebook groups:

Cavite City Foodies - Dedicated to Cavite City food sellers and food lovers 

Cavite City : Learning Chabacano & Spanish - For language enthusiasts and native Chabacano speakers who are interested in recognition retention, preservation and learning of Chabacano plus Spanish.

Cavite City Cultural Heritage - For heritage enthusiasts and individuals who are interested in learning, discussion and wants to dive deeper into the incredibly rich historical background of Cavite City.

Feel free to join these groups and become part of the vibrant community that appreciates and celebrates Cavite City's food, language, and cultural heritage. 


  1. Muchos Gracias Que bueno naman tini este tiempo para escribi el mana vianda se ta cusi niso na Ciudad del Cavite, Ta muri ya el Sabor del Caviteños poreso No hay mas todo el mana lehitimos Kusineras na Ciudad Y al mana juventud no mas ta cusi. Que algre yo tini niso pudi le todo el recipe del Cavite. Siempre pa si pasya palagi aki para busca nuebo!

    1. Gracias Caviteñong Pupol! Sa wakas tiene ya rin ya pasya na ta platika Chabacano aqui na blog. No ma nga ta cusi el mga juventud ora puro process food ya lang ki ta kumi ilo. Ta muri ya el Sabor del Caviteños como el lengwahe na Chabacano. Sana nga pudi yo busca o tiene dali aqui otro mga recipe del mga vianda del mana lehitimos Kusineras na Ciudad na pwede yo kusi bago todo ilo kida nuway.

      Note: Pardon my barok and murdered Chabacano spelling and sentence construction. I understand and speak the language but only in this blog I attempted writing it :-P

    2. hora noway ma sabor el comida de cavite tamales is lacking in peanuts and very sweet. bibinka ni samala is not that tasty, but i still go back to cavite city to eat these comfort food this is better than nothing. wish someone can duplicate ang pancit at lumpia ni aling badang sa cabuco

  2. Hello! Just want to ask if you have the recipe for menudencia con casuy? And if you do can you share it please....


    1. Added it to the wish list of Caviteñean Cuisine recipes in hope someone will be kind enough to share : https://www.facebook.com/notes/lutong-cavite/lf-cavite%C3%B1ean-cuisine-recipes/542539685771202

  3. Good morning, God bless us all...

  4. so nice to see fellow caviteno here on the net1 nice blog by the way!

  5. Hi Lutong,

    My name is Anuj Agarwal. I'm Founder of Feedspot.

    I would like to personally congratulate you as your blog Lutong Cavite has been selected by our panelist as one of the Top 50 Filipino Food Blogs on the web.


    I personally give you a high-five and want to thank you for your contribution to this world. This is the most comprehensive list of Top 50 Filipino Food Blogs on the internet and I’m honored to have you as part of this!

    Also, you have the honor of displaying the badge on your blog.


  6. keen to know where can i buy sampalok candies without the "buto" , will be buying in bulk in case.

  7. hi, i just happen to see your blog in 2014 and i started following you then coz you've featured useful information that helped when i go back to Cavite for a visit... Btw, are all the restaurant you've mentioned before are your ratings (comments) still the same? Any information on them would be very much helpful.
    thanks in advance and good job on this blog.

    1. Gracias for the follow. Some of the restaurants got closed and other food sellers had disappeared but there are a lot of new ones sprouting like mushrooms. The new admin seems also supportive of small business which is good news.

      Some of the list here is already outdated and needs update. And since the pandemic this blog also lie lowed on its resto reviews but will try to work on the updates when schedule permits.
