Wednesday, January 10, 2024

Big Shoutout to Bounty Fresh !

As a Sarisuki customer for several months, I've grown accustomed to the convenience of their delivery service, particularly for frozen products. However, my recent purchase of a frozen chicken packed with was unexpectedly disappointing. This was the initial instance I came across a frozen chicken pack with such troubling characteristics – bloodied and bearing skin so severely bruised and forcibly plucked that it exhibited scars and rough texture. Feeling dismayed how the product passed the quality control knowing Bounty Fresh brand has high standards so I reached out to them via their Facebook page to voice my complaint. Following this, a customer representative promptly contacted me to gather further details then eventually a call that it will be replaced.

After a week, Bountry Fresh indeed replaced the subpar product as promised with their Bounty Fresh S&R brand. The quality of the chicken in the S&R packaging is markedly superior. It's reassuring to see Bounty Fresh address customer concerns and uphold their commitment to delivering high standards.

Big shoutout to the Bounty Fresh Social Media Team and Customer Service Department for their outstanding support! Special thanks to the gentleman who not only called to address my concerns but also personally delivered the replacement chicken – though regrettably, his name slips my mind.

The replacement chicken exceeded expectations in both quality and quantity compared to its predecessor. Given the replacements premium quality and increased volume, it felt unjust to simply prepare it as adobo as the initial plan. Consequently, opted to elevate it into a delightful baked rosemary chicken dish.

Thank you Bounty Fresh <3 

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