Saturday, June 3, 2023

Adobo Spareribs

 Another version of pork adobo every Pinoy loves. 

Adobo Spareribs is a mouthwatering variation of the beloved Filipino dish, adobo. This tantalizing dish features tender and succulent spareribs marinated and braised in a savory blend of soy sauce, vinegar, garlic, and spices. 


1 kg pork spare ribs, 1kg
1 small head of garlic, crushed
1/2 cup soy sauce
1/4 cup vinegar or more if you want it more maasim
2 tsp sugar or more if you want it more sweet
whole peppercorns
4 pieces laurel leaves
1/2 cup water
Salt and pepper, to taste
cooking oil


Saute the garlic under medium to high heat in oil. Put in the pork spare ribs. Fry the pork for about 10 minutes or until they release fats and turn a bit charred. Add soy sauce, vinegar and whole peppercorns. Add the water and let it boil for another  15 minutes under low heat.  Close the lid and wait until the meat tenderizes. After 10 minutes, add in the bay leaves. When the pork is tender enough as per your preference, add sugar and butter (optional).  Serve with hot steamy rice.

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