Monday, April 24, 2023

Pan American Airways and China Clipper

The first transpacific commercial flight from San Francisco to Manila in 1935. The four engine flying boat built by Glen L. Martin Company for Pan American Airways. The China Clipper took off from San Francisco Bay on November 22, 1935 to deliver the first airmail cargo across the Pacific Ocean. On November 29, the airplane reached its destination, Manila, after traveling via Honolulu, Midway Island, Wake Island and Guam and delivered over 110,000 pieces of mail. During that time the aircraft had no wheels to land on hard surface. The airplane usually called flying boat that can be landed on body of water.

The Cañacao Bay was very ideal for this aircraft and lesser strong sea waves compared to Manila Bay.

The Pan American Airways decided to build the base and passengers terminal in Cañacao Bay in Cavite.

Article and photos c/o : Mr. Romy Boy Camarce

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for pointing out the exact location. Seems the area has changed since the 1930s.
