Wednesday, June 20, 2018

Birthday Cha Misua

This ia a classic noodles to eat on the morning of one's birthday to receive long life in Chinese tradition. This is my on version.

1 box birthday misua – Long Life brand or 500 grans angel hair pasta
1 pc. chicken breast (optional)
1 small bag peanuts
4 eggs scrambled, sliced
spring onions, chopped
fried garlic
caramelized onions
3 tbsp of cooking oil
Maggi Chicken Power
Magic Sarap

Boil the chicken breast using 5 cups of water and then shred. Set aside the broth.

Add Maggi Chicken Powder to the broth and boil. Toss uncooked noodles then remove immediately. Strain the noodles then wash with tap water. Set aside.

Heat the oil in the wok. Put the chicken broth on the wok. When boiled, toss in the half-cooked noodles. Add Magic Sarap to taste if preferred. When noodles are fully cooked, transfer to serving plate. Add eggs, nuts, caramelized onions, fried garlic and spring onion. Serve.

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