Monday, February 19, 2018

Beef Mechado

1 kilo beef chunks
2 cups tomato sauce
3 onions, peeled and quartered
2 red bell pepper, sliced into thick strips
2 cups beef stock
3 laurel leaves
1/4 - cup vinegar or calamansi juice
1 cup soy sauce
Maggi Magic Sarap
pepper to taste
green peas

Combine the beef, tomatoes, soy sauce, bay leaves and beef stock in a casserole. Bring to a boil and simmer until the beef is almost tender.
Add the vinegar or calamansi and let boil for two minutes.
Add onions and bell pepper. Magic Sarap and pepper to taste.
Let simmer and stir occasionally. Add green peas before the sauce thickens.

Note: If you want faster cooking time pressure cook the beef with the beef stock.


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