Saturday, October 14, 2017

Adios Cavite City Library Museum

First it as Cavite City Botanical and Zoological Park or more popularly known as Cavite City Mini Zoo now Cavite City Library Museum. 

Image c/o : bluedreamer27

Accidentally met my former elementary teacher in Bernie's Kitchenette the other day. And was sad to hear the bad news that even the city library is now closed. Was supposed to go back and do some history research for added information on this blog but now no more.

Cavite City Library Museum serves as a repository of historical and cultural information and artifacts in the form of books, photographs, memorabilia and relics that chronicle the city's history and growth. It has special Caviteñina Collection, published or unpublished materials about Cavite City, its history, culture, traditions, heroes, prominent citizens. The library museum serves as a learning and information center for residents of Cavite City and its neighboring towns. People come to the library to read and/or see the exhibits in the museum.

I do not know what our city government officials are thinking that zoo and library which are two of the foremost services for the Caviteño youth was removed. How come nobody among the historians, academe and residents fought for its closure? Its the city's history and culture repository that was thrown.

1 comment:

  1. so sad...i always asked people the location of this library whenever i am in town and nobody seems to know what i am talking about... maybe that's why the city officials close it.
