Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Sangley Point

This was used by the Chinese pirate Limahong in 1574 as his refuge when he ran away after a failed attempt to take Manila.

Naval Station Sangley Point was also a communication and hospital facility of the United States Navy which occupied the northern portion of the Cavite City peninsula and is surrounded by Manila Bay, approximately eight miles southwest of Manila, the Philippines. The station was a part of the Cavite Naval Shipyard across the peninsula. The naval station had a runway that was built after World War II, which was used by U.S. Navy P-2 Neptune and P-3 Orion patrol planes. An adjacent seaplane runway, ramp area and seaplane tender berths also supported P5M Marlin patrol planes until that type's retirement from active naval service in the mid-1960s. NAS Sangley Point/NAVSTA Sangley Point was also used extensively during the Vietnam War, primarily for U.S. Navy patrol squadrons forward deployed from the United States on six month rotations. The naval station was turned over to the Philippine government in 1971. It is now operated by the Philippine Air Force and Philippine Navy.

Source: Wikipedia

For more Sangley Point photos click : HERE

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