Sunday, September 11, 2016

Lady Christine's Baby Back Ribs

Resto Name: Lady Christine's Baby Back Ribs
Location:  SM Bacoor
Type: American
Average Price Per Dish: P150-P500

Decided to finally try this resto for lunch one fine day after roaming around the mall. I ordered their mini meal.

Mini Ribs Meal with Apple Pie - P159

This is my first time to try an iced tea that taste like beer. Its not even sweet.

The slab is a bit tough and difficult to slice using merely fork and spoon that I ask the waiter to bring me a knife. Even with a knife I have a bit difficulty slicing especially the outer part. The outer portion is a bit burned in taste even it's not burned. I wish there is more bbq sauce or they have a bottle of sauce just like in Racks.

The additional item I paid for failed me. I would like to call this more as cinnamon pie than apple pie, why? There are only around 4-5 small pieces of cubed apple but loads of cinnamon flour sauce inside plus its very sweet. 

Overall left the resto in full tummy but my tastebuds is not satisfied.

On a positive note, I love the country ambiance of the resto.

Food – 1.5 stars
Service – 4 stars
Ambiance – 5 stars
Value – 3 stars

OVERALL RATING – 3.375 stars

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