Sunday, September 25, 2016


Kinilaw or Kilawin means to cook in vinegar. Kinilaw is a Filipino way of cooking that relies on the sour agent of calamnsi or vinegar to cook the raw fish.

1 kg skinned fresh tanigue or sea bass, must be cubed into bite size pieces
1 cup of kakang gata (coconut cream)
2 tbsps finely minced garlic
2 cups white vinegar
6 tbsps calamansi juice
1 cup red onion, sliced thinly
3 tbsps, ginger, finely minced
green peppers, sliced
salt and pepper to taste

Wash the fresh tanigue or sea bass fillets and remove any remaining skin and bones.  Cut into one-inch cubes. Place in a  bowl and sprinkle with salt and pepper. Mix well.Pour in the vinegar and mix well.  Marinate fish in vinegar for at least 40 minutes to 2 hours in the refrigerator.
Drain the fish and mix well with calamansi and all other ingredients. Then chill for another 20 minutes. Pour in the coconut cream, mix well and serve cold.

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