Friday, March 4, 2016

Dine Philippines 2016: Coastal Cavite‬ Afterthoughts

Been attending food convention in the metro for years whenever I got the time. This is the first time a food convention was held in Cavite City to my delight. I was honored to be invited by Mr.Ige Ramos - award-winning author, editor, book designer, chef and culinary historian. 

In my years of maintaining this blog everything posted here was merely researched online and ask from my mother's knowledge in cooking. How I wish I can time travel to talk to my abuelas because definitely I would have gotten so much Cavite cooking and history information from them if only it is possible.  I've attempted finding articles/stories about Cavite food and cooking early years of this blog but to no avail. It is so hard to find information about Caviteñean cooking even in the city library.

Happily today I got the long overdue additional knowledge of Caviteñean food and cooking thru Dine Philippines 2016: Coastal Cavite. The topic discussed by Sir Ige is definitely one of the missing pieces of the puzzle in this food blog that I've been dying to know for years now - a little of Cavite food history. And guess what Sir Ige is coming up with a 3 part book : Republic of Taste, The Untold Stories of Cavite Cuisine. Finally and hopefully some of the informations and the missing recipes I am searching for years are in this books.

One of the eight speaker in the seminar today is Chef Lawrence Zafra who made lugaw out of oatmeal and tinapang salinas that I'll definitely try one of this days and share it here.

Among all the speakers my favorite is Chef Dan (sorry no photo) who discussed about the 12 steps in making bread. I've tried making bread thrice - twice cloverleaf rolls and pandesal. I'm tempted to try artisanal bread. I also like the topic of Chef Sharwin and how he gave emphasis on the war of street foods.

 One of the exhibitors Baloy's Bakeshop and the Ensaimada de Cavite.

I took a lot of photos today which I was excited to edit and share tonight sadly my digicam did not cooperate and so is the memory card. Aside from the four regular sized photos above, the thumbnail photos which I turned into a collage are the only ones I was able to salvaged before the memory card ask for a reformat :( It is hard to blog about the foods in the exhibit and create an album on the FB page when the only photos I got are thumbnails #SAKLAP #KAINIS

Mr. Ige Ramos(right most) with one of the eight speaker Chef Jam (2nd to the right)
Photo c/o: Philippines Culinary Heritage Movement FB Page
#DinePhilippines2016 #DinePHCoastalCavite

NOTE: Dine Philippines 2016: Coastal Cavite that was held today is only first of the 3 part Cavite food and tourism caravan. There is still the midland and highland. Midland is scheduled around July or August. 


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