Saturday, April 10, 2010


Palutang or more popularly known as palitaw in the Philippines is one of the staple native merienda.
Made from malagkít (sticky rice) washed, soaked, and then ground. The batter is scooped and dropped into boiling water where they float to the surface as flat discs which are then dipped in grated coconut and presented with a separate dip of sugar and toasted sesame seeds.

2 cups malagkit (rice flour)
1 cup water
grated coconut
sesame seeds, toasted (optional)

Combine rice flour and water. Blend thoroughly. With floured hands, shape dough into egg-size ovals. Flatten with thumb.

In a casserole of boiling water and drop palutang one by one. Scoop out as soon as they float. Roll in grated coconut. Serve at once with sugar mixed with toasted sesame seeds.

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