Monday, January 4, 2010

Hello 2010 !

Living in Cavite City for almost three decades, I have developed a deep connection to this city, as it is where my ancestors resided as early inhabitants. It holds a special place in my heart, and I believe it is now the perfect time to contribute something meaningful back to the city I hold dear. Combining my love for the city with my dream of having a food blog presents a wonderful opportunity to showcase the local culinary delights and promote the vibrant food culture of Cavite. By sharing my experiences and insights through my blog, I hope to not only satisfy the taste buds of my readers but also shed light on the rich gastronomic heritage that Cavite has to offer. It is a small way for me to express my gratitude and give back to the place that has shaped my identity and filled my life with cherished memories.

Welcome to LUTONG CAVITE Blog !

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